Most of you who've followed Ghost Walk for awhile know about Lilly, our little girl ghost.
For those who are new and have not yet heard of her, she's amazing! She's been with Rocky Karlage, our President/Founder for most of his life and began appearning to him when he was about 19 years old. She's chosen to reach out to a few of us that she's learned she can truly trust.
She is the reason we do what we do. She is the reason we keep pushing ourselves. She is the reason we exist at all.
You can follow her on MySpace and/or Facebook but know that we are fiercely protective of her!
Get to know her. Listen to the music she chooses for her playlist, watch the videos she posts because they always have a message, read our notes, look at her photos...she has a powerful message she wants to share with all of you.
Most of all, be her friend. She does love to be loved and it brings her joy to give love! She has an abundance to share!
We love and cherish you Sweet Angel...forever.
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