To know the people of Ghost Walk is to know true friendship. We are a dedicated group of people who, along with our personal daily struggles, give freely to this project. We wake up everyday looking forward to the time we’ll set aside just to spend volunteering for Ghost Walk, and it is during these times we’ve bonded and grown close to one another in a most spiritual way. We live all over the world. We have gotten to know each other solely during online chats, work meetings, and emails. We use Facebook to share photos of our families and share our triumphs and defeats, our joy and our sadness, and through all of this, we’ve created a bond we know can never be broken. We invite others to share in this kinship, always learning who is sincere and who is not. Loyalty is important to us and we continually cherish those who have remained loyal for these past years.
Everything we do comes from the heart. We’re blessed to be a part of Ghost Walk and to be a part of each other’s lives. Don’t misunderstand…we’ve argued! Boy, have we argued! But, it is our devotion to this project and to one another that helps us weather these storms. There is nothing too big for us to handle together!
And that is what we do…we get through everything…the good and the bad…TOGETHER. We know there is nothing in this world we can not do as long as we lean on each other.
Tonight is not about promoting. Tonight is about friendship and love. It is about faith, trust, and unbreakable unions.
We’ll leave you with this thought. It has been our motto since the beginning. We live it everyday.
“For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,
and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack”
~ Rudyard Kipling
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