What makes Ghost Walk so special?
Most of us are struggling during these tough times. It is hard enough for us to make ends meet, let alone find extra pennies to donate to those in need. We all hope for a positive change in our own lives and the lives of others. Most of us find ourselves asking the question “what can I do to help?” It is a known fact that performing an act of kindness can boost our spirits when things aren’t going quite like we wish they would.
Ghost Walk is not a true charity, in the literal sense of the concept. Most everyone looks for an organization who clothes the homeless or feeds the hungry, and when reading a plea from Ghost Walk, probably most feel their donations could go towards a better cause. It’s possible most believe we are just out to make a buck. It is also likely that when folks realize we’re in the entertainment business, they begin to feel we just care about becoming famous.
The staff of Ghost Walk NEED for everyone to understand these shallow misconceptions are NOT what we are about.
So what is it about us that makes us special? The truth is, we’re just like you. We’re Moms and Dads - most with young children, some of us home school our children while working part time jobs, some of us work hours outside of our homes that consistently exceed your average 40 hours per week, we have bills to pay, we struggle with gas prices, we have health issues and hardships. We are just like everyone else. What makes us special is our incredibly intense faith in what we do for Ghost Walk. This is not about money or getting famous. If that were the case, we’d have given up many years ago! That’s right…YEARS. We’ve been at this for years, volunteering our time, talents, blood, sweat, and tears and not one of us has made a dime. We’ve never given that fact second thought and that is due to FAITH. Faith in the story, faith in each other, faith in Ghost Walk. Period. Some of you might not even know that in addition to our tireless volunteer efforts given to Ghost Walk, in addition to our personal lives, some of the staff also spend countless hours making crafts to sell to help fund Ghost Walk. We consistently go that extra mile to ensure the success of Ghost Walk. We will never go away and we will never give up.
To date, we’ve kept this project afloat with just our abilities. We’ve come this far using only our skills and talents. We’ve managed to bring to our friends and fans videos, original music scores, a newsletter, an e-magazine, merchandise, and we’ve written until our fingers bled to bring you the story of Ghost Walk. Our website is a labor of love developed with no finances at all. Visit our site and you will immediately see our dedication to this endeavor. We’ve managed to accomplish quite a lot with no money! Now, it is time to take it to the next level.
We have never asked anyone to donate large sums of money. It is unreasonable to expect our friends and fans to make that kind of sacrifice. What we are asking is simple: whatever you can give and there are so many ways exciting ways to help Ghost Walk!
Our newest, most exciting project is our Haunted Path E-Zine. We are truly stoked about this one! In each issue, we’ll be bringing you news, articles, interviews, fiction, art, photography, reviews of books, movies, and the latest in the paranormal world. Primarily paranormal in theme, we also feature interviews and articles from 'realms other' than the spooky and supernatural. The cost is phenomenal at only $4.99 for a safe download, $9.95 (plus postage) if you’d like a hard copy mailed to you, and this publication is also available for Kindle! Payment is conveniently handled via PayPal, but if you wish to pay by another method, we’re happy to accommodate you so please contact us via email. Visit our Haunted Path website and purchase issue #4 today!
If you are interested in arts and crafts, visit The Mercantile and see what wonderful items we have for sale! Get our sexy, official Ghost Walk t-shirt and visit Spooky Hollow Art for some astounding, unique, one of a kind artwork for purchase. We are so proud to offer these magnificent items to you, but act quickly on the shirts because we’re just about sold out and these won’t be produced again!
If you’d like your donation to go to a specific project, then visit our website for The Farm. This is a true story based on real-life events of our President and Ghost Walk creator, Rocky Karlage. Check out our latest video teaser and see what you think and make sure to check out the perks that come along with helping us produce this film!
Click here to watch our VIDEO TEASER #3!
As always, Ghost Walk is eternally grateful to each and every one of you for your continued friendship! Your donations are appreciated more than you know!
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